Arlington Municipal Airport Development Plan Arlington Airport Development Plan | Page 4
formation of a PAC. Members of this PAC review draft reports and provide comments throughout the
study to help ensure that a realistic, viable plan is developed. Table A provides a list of the PAC mem‐
bers for the Arlington Municipal Airport Development Plan. The study schedule provides four points
during the process where the PAC convenes to discuss issues related to the Development Plan.
The approximate 14‐month study also includes Public Information Workshops to present preliminary
findings and solicit comments from the general public about the Development Plan. Draft phase re‐
ports and other information related to TABLE A
the Development Plan are available to Development Plan ‐ Planning Advisory Committee
the public on the Airport’s website Arlington Municipal Airport
Arlington Municipal Airport Manager
and on the consultant’s website Arlington Municipal Airport Assistant Manager
TxDOT – Aviation Division Planning Manager
Arlington City Council Members (3)
City of Arlington Economic Development Department
City of Arlington Public Works Department
City of Arlington Community Development & Planning Department
North Central Texas Council of Governments
Neighborhood Representatives (4)
Airport Businesses:
Harrison Aviation
Fisher Aviation Services
Bell Helicopter
Aviation Performance Solutions
SkyMates, Inc.
Airline Transport Professionals
Van Bortel Aircraft, Inc.
Brian Reynolds Company
FMF Corporation
Trinity River Authority
Airport T‐Hangar Tenants (3)
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
National Business Aviation Association
The Development Plan is prepared pur‐
suant to the scope of services that has
been coordinated with the City of Arling‐
ton and TxDOT. The study has eight el‐
ements that are intended to assist in the
identification of future facility needs and
which provide the supporting rationale
for their implementation.
Element 1 – Analysis of Existing Condi‐
tions (Inventory) includes the formula‐
tion of the PAC and establishes general
background that includes outlining the
goals and objectives to be accomplished
during the Development Plan. An evaluation of airport facilities and operational data, weather condi‐
tions, population and economic data, and vicinity land uses will be conducted. New aerial photography
and planimetric mapping of the airport will also be obtained to aid in the study process.
Element 2 – Aviation Demand Forecasts examines the potential aviation demand for based aircraft,
general aviation activity, military activity, air taxi activity, and peak period characteristics at the airport
over a 10‐year period. Trends in the economy, demographics, and aviation activity both nationally and
regionally will be used in this analysis. The airport’s service area will also be delineated to help deter‐
mine existing and future demand.
Introduction - 3