Arlington Municipal Airport Development Plan Arlington Airport Development Plan | Page 40
TABLE 1J (Continued)
Commercial Operators List
Arlington Municipal Airport
Business Name
Plane Texans, Inc.
Phantom Helicopter
goCaptain, LLC
Todd Company
Trinity River Authority
Ray Bailey
Frank Holt & Associates
Enterprise Rent‐A‐Car
Source: Airport Records
Activity/Services Provided
Aircraft Sales
Helicopter Parts
Aircraft Simulation
Airshow Marketing, Advertising, Public Relations
Corporate Hangar
Corporate Hangar
Aviation/General Insurance
Rental Cars
Vehicle Parking
There are several parking lots available for vehicle use at Arlington Municipal Airport. A designated
parking area for vehicles adjacent to the east side of the terminal building is accessible from South Col‐
lins Street. A total of 57 parking spaces are included in this area; five are marked as accessible parking,
meeting the requirements outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Additional vehicle
parking is offered immediately north and south of the terminal building, that when combined, allow for
14 vehicle spaces. In all, the terminal area offers 71 vehicle parking spots.
Other parking areas are located adjacent to aviation‐related businesses on the east side of the Airport.
South of the terminal area, Harrison Aviation provides approximately 105 marked spaces next to its
facility. Farther south, approximately 40 parking spaces are provided adjacent to the Skymates facility.
Of these, 15 are controlled‐access parking. Additional vehicle parking is offered adjacent to hangar fa‐
cilities on the south side of the airfield and include approximately 15 spaces.
North of the terminal building, there are additional dedicated parking lots for vehicle use associated
with various aviation businesses. Approximately 75 parking positions are controlled‐access and located
adjacent to facilities operated by Van Bortel Aircraft, Cothron Aviation, and Bell Helicopter. Airline
Transport Professionals, AgustaWestland, and Enterprise Rent‐A‐Car also accommodate approximately
185 vehicle parking spaces north of the terminal building.
On the west side of the airport, Bell Helicopter maintains approximately 500 parking spaces for its cus‐
tomers and employees. The ATCT and City of Arlington Fire Station #12 also provide parking spaces for
their personnel. The ATCT contains six controlled‐access parking spaces and the Fire Station accom‐
modates 16 marked parking spaces. All totaled, there are approximately 1,000 marked vehicle parking
spaces serving a variety of activities at Arlington Municipal Airport.
Chapter One - 34