Arlington Municipal Airport Development Plan Arlington Airport Development Plan | Page 39
The south aircraft parking apron consists of 48 marked tiedown positions within 23,300 square yards of
space. Other parking apron areas are located throughout the Airport in close proximity to convention‐
al, executive, and linear box hangars.
On the west side of the Airport, the Bell Helicopter facility includes over 35,000 square yards of apron
space and multiple parking positions. This area is dedicated to private operations associated with Bell
All totaled, there are approximately 50,500 square yards of aircraft parking apron offered on the east
side of the Airport for general aviation activities. Within these areas, approximately 135 parking posi‐
tions are offered for large and small aircraft. Additional unmarked areas can be configured to meet the
demands of specific aviation uses.
Aviation Services
The City of Arlington provides airport management and oversees the day‐to‐day operations at the Air‐
port. An array of commercial aviation services is also available at Arlington Municipal Airport. This in‐
cludes flight training, aircraft sales, flight testing, aircraft storage, tiedowns, fuel, maintenance, rental
cars, and many other services.
Harrison Aviation is currently the only FBO on the airfield and provides aviation fueling services. There
is a full range of specialty aviation businesses located throughout the Airport that provide aviation ser‐
vices including those previously mentioned. Table 1J outlines the Airport’s commercial operators list
(current at time of writing) and the services that are offered.
Commercial Operators List
Arlington Municipal Airport
Business Name
Harrison Aviation
Bell Helicopter
Aviation Performance Solutions
Skymates, Inc.
Airline Transport Professionals
Van Bortel Aircraft, Inc.
FMF Corporation
Fisher Aviation Services
Airport Properties, Inc.
Brian Reynolds Company
Arlington Hangars, LLC
Cothron Aviation, LLC
Chapter One - 33
Activity/Services Provided
Fixed Base Operator ‐ Aircraft Fuel
Flight Testing
Flight School
Flight School
Flight School
Aircraft Sales
Flight Testing
Hangar Development
Aircraft Maintenance
Hangar Development
Fueling Software
Hangar Development
Hangar Development