Arlington Municipal Airport Development Plan Arlington Airport Development Plan | Page 25
There are several other airports of various sizes, capacities, and functions within the vicinity of Arling‐
ton Municipal Airport. It is important to consider the capabilities and limitations of these airports
when planning for future changes and improvements at Arlington Municipal Airport. In an urban set‐
ting, airports within 20 miles of each other typically can have some influence on the activity of the oth‐
er airport. Airports more than 20 miles away can also play a limited role in affecting activity levels at
other airports depending on the services and facilities that are offered, but usually their distant loca‐
tions limit the ability to attract significant activity away from an airport that is competitive in the ser‐
vices and facilities that it provides, which is the case at Arlington Municipal Airport. The following pub‐
lic use airports are within 20 miles of Arlington Municipal Airport with at least one paved runway.
Grand Prairie Municipal Airport
Mid‐Way Regional Airport
Dallas Executive Airport
Fort Worth Meacham International Airport
Fort Worth Spinks Airport
Dallas Love Field Airport
Lancaster Regional Airport
Sycamore Strip Airport
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport
Exhibit 1F provides information on the roles, facilities, services, and operational levels these airports
experience. Information pertaining to each airport was obtained from FAA Form 5010‐1, Airport Mas‐
ter Record.
It is evident that there are several facilities serving the needs of all types of aviation activity in the re‐
gion. Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport and Dallas Love Field Airport primarily cater to scheduled
commercial airline activity. Dallas Love Field Airport also provides facilities and services that accom‐
modate corporate general aviation aircraft. Except for Sycamore Strip Airport, the other airports pro‐
vide an array of services that meet general aviation needs, including most business jets. The relatively
short runway length at Grand Prairie Municipal Airport limits large aircraft from being able to fully op‐
erate at this facility.
This section provides a description of the existing facilities at Arlington Municipal Airport. These facili‐
ties can be divided into two distinct categories: airside and landside. Airside facilities include those di‐
rectly associated with aircraft operations, such as runways, taxiways, lighting and signage, weather,
and instrument approach aids. Landside facilities include those necessary to provide a safe transition
from surface to air transportation and support aircraft servicing, storage, maintenance, and operation‐
al safety on the ground.
Airside facilities are depicted on an aerial photograph for visual reference on Exhibit 1G. Airside facility
data is discussed in detail in the following sections.
Chapter One - 19