Arlington Municipal Airport Development Plan Arlington Airport Development Plan | Page 229

Chapter Six FINANCIAL PROGRAM / CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS The analyses completed in the preceding chapter outlines airside and landside development needs to meet projected avia on demand based on forecast ac vity, facility requirements, safety standards, and opera onal efficiency. Now that the recommended concept has been developed and specific needs and improvements for the Airport have been established, the next step is to determine a realis c schedule for project implementa on as well as the associated costs for the plan. This chapter will provide a descrip on and overall cost of each project iden fied in the capital improvement program (CIP) and development schedule. The program outlined has been evaluated from a variety of perspec ves and represents a compara ve analysis of basic budget factors, demand, and priority assignments. The CIP is developed following Federal Avia on Administra on (FAA) and Texas Department of Transporta on – Avia on Division (TxDOT) guidelines for airport planning and primarily iden fies those projects that are likely eligible for FAA and/or TxDOT funding assistance. Other avia on projects that are not programmed to receive federal and/or state funding par cipa on are also presented. The capital improvements and financial program have been organized into three sec ons. First, the airport development schedule and project cost es mates are presented in narra ve and graphic form. Second, capital improvement funding sources on the federal, state, and local levels are iden fied and discussed. Finally, an evalua on of the facili es and services available at Arlington Municipal Airport is made and strategies to further enhance the economic vitality of the Airport are offered. Chapter Six - 1