Arlington Comprehensive Plan Update Executive Summary | Page 4

Catalyst Projects EN O R EL A D CON N B U IO DO SI R B E A U TI FI CA T NE SS INCUB AT O Improve the aesthetics of Arlington’s major corridors through strategic, targeted landscape treatment that is drought tolerant and low maintenance. Create commercialization opportunities for technology and scientific innovations with the University of Texas at Arlington Provide a network of trails and open space throughout the city, creating a space for residents and visitors to enjoy the outdoors. RE N TE PO C L L IB R A R Y/101 RA IX TE O FFIC E M G RI R CO N OT A R N R FE Develop a mixed-use office development that serves as a signature feature for residents and visitors that travel into the area. CO TI CE D E S TI N A H Build a full-service, destination hotel and expand the city’s available conference space in the Entertainment District. R E SE G U O S PA C E RH O O D PR ED K M A R BO T I H N NE G Develop Arlington’s Downtown into a vibrant destination providing entertainment, employment, culture, and local goods and services for the immediate and surrounding community. CE Create a neighborhood program in Arlington that connects people and resources, creates opportunities, and provides support for neighborhood organizations and the community. R Catalyst Projects are well-defined short-term objectives that represent the Comprehensive Plan’s five-year priorities, and are anticipated to have a substantial ongoing impact in Arlington by enhancing the city’s image and strengthening its identity. They are intended to build on the city’s positive aspects by creating a more accessible, functional, attractive, and enjoyable community. This Comprehensive Plan has identified seven Catalyst Projects that are anticipated to be complete by 2020. EN W AY N E T W O R For more information on the Comprehensive Plan, visit or e-mail [email protected].