Arlington Comprehensive Plan Update Executive Summary | Page 3

Arlington is a city built upon diverse neighborhoods. Whether investing in infrastructure, working to expand housing choices, or welcoming and facilitating the emergence of neighborhood leaders, Arlington must focus on the individual and specific needs of its neighborhoods to strengthen that foundation for future generations. Value Our Neighborhoods Get Around North Texas is one of the most dynamic economies in the country. Arlington’s position in the metropolitan area affords it a wealth of opportunities for business recruitment and expansion. For the most part, existing propsects represent the manufacturing sector with some healthcare, retail, hospitality, and housing projects. Capturing a larger share of regional and national high-wage growth will require a deliberate and dynamic approach towards economic development. Grow Our Businesses Protect Our Resources Develop Our Land The City of Arlington is an expansive urban/suburban city that is situated centrally in an even more expansive metropolitan area. As such, the city must be conscious of how well people and goods can get into, out of, and through Arlington. By continuing to improve Arlington’s connectivity both locally and regionally, the city can solidify its identity as a world-class destination that is easy to access for residents, businesses, and visitors. The need to be good stewards of the environment has long been a priority for the City of Arlington. Many programs and initiatives exist that are designed to protect and enhance the environmental resources that can be found in Arlington neighborhoods, yet there is more that can be done to protect and conserve the natural, scenic, and ecological resources in the city. While Arlington’s population continues to grow, it has little land available for new development. If the city is to accommodate the projected growth, its land use must evolve. Guided by significant analysis of existing land use patterns, future development and redevelopment opportunities, and investigation of appropriate locations for targeting future growth, this Plan is intended to guide future growth the city envisions.