Arlington Comprehensive Plan Update Executive Summary | Page 2

What is a Comprehensive Plan? The city’s Comprehensive Plan is the key policy document that provides goals, strategies, and action steps for Arlington to grow and prosper as a 21st century city. The document provides an integrated approach to all aspects of Arlington’s development with an emphasis on environmental, economic and social sustainability; enhancing land use and transportation coordination; and developing attractive and prosperous neighborhoods for all residents of the city. It is of particular interest to elected officials who adopt and fund its implementation, appointed officials who use it to guide decisions, as well as city departments who are charged with its implementation. About the Plan This plan is a culmination of the efforts of elected officials, appointed stakeholders, city staff, residents, and businesses. Five Guiding Principles - building on our assets, embracing diversity, offering choices, improving connectivity, and engaging our citizens - have been integrated into the five broad goals and seventeen associated strategies developed to achieve the city’s established vision. Over 100 specific action steps further detail how the City of Arlington can continue to be a beautiful, clean, safe, and fun place. Our Vision To be a pre-eminent city, providing an exemplary, safe environment in which to live, learn, work and play. goals and strategies Value Our Neighborhoods Grow Our Businesses 1. Strengthen our community by embracing our diversity, engaging our residents and empowering our neighborhoods. 2. Create places where people want to be. 3. Maintain and enhance neighborhood quality of life and appearance. 4. Continue to support investment in the city’s education system. 5. Deliver city services in a fiscally responsible manner. 6. Provide a mix of quality housing for a diverse population. 7. Preserve the city’s historic resources and community landmarks of recognized significance. 1. Elevate Arlington’s competitive positioning in the region to capture a larger share of high-wage, high-impact growth. 2. Rejuvenate and transform key economic centers into vibrant destinations. 3. Create amenities and assets that will secure Arlington’s position as a major activity hub in North Texas. Get Around 1. Maintain a roadway system that provides efficient access to all parts of the city. 2. Provide a variety of transportation options. Protect Our Resources 1. Preserve natural areas and public open spaces. 2. Conserve natural resources and energy. Develop Our Land 1. Promote land use patterns that reflect a mix of integrated community uses. 2. Encourage appropriate redevelopment and reinvestment that creates lasting value. 3. Increase the visual appeal within and around residential and commercial developments and along city corridors.