Arlington Comprehensive Plan Update Adopted 3-17-2015 | Page 25
Housing Supply – residential capacity/inventory; housing opportunities for
active seniors, young professionals, etc.; housing choices; rental standards
Economic Development/Redevelopment – high potential neighborhoods;
urban development vs. suburban mentality; diversification and increasing tax
base; integrate urban living; changing population demographics; implement a
targeted development investment program
Regional Mobility – regional connections; regional mobility
Quality Neighborhoods – continuing need to raise the standard of living; need
for more public safety and code enforcement; city beautification; investment/
incentives for urban beautification; improve “curb appeal”; neighborhood
amenities, i.e., parks, transit; address perception of crime; higher standards for
development and code compliance
Natural Resources Management – limited resources such as land and water;
water conservation; air quality
Citizen Relationships – collective view of Arlington/inclusiveness; connectivity
with residents, communication and engagement – tell one story, capture “good”
employee actions, positive community feedback and publicity; clearly articulate
the role of government, capacity, limitations, expectations; development of a
strategy for engaging the community in the delivery of “non-core” services such
as parks, libraries, animal services, arts and culture
Strategic Partnerships – Downtown Arlington Partnership; changing
educational model; workforce development, collaboration – among
departments, with other governments, among local partners, among interested