Arlington Comprehensive Plan Update Adopted 3-17-2015 | Page 23

Housing The City of Arlington added 534 housing units in 2013, a 0.4 percent unit increase since 2012. Single family unit construction dominated growth totals for 2013 although 36 new multifamily units were constructed. At the end of 2013, the overall mix of housing types within the city was 69 percent single family (100,841 units) and 31 percent multi-family (44,952 units). The number of single family housing units heavily outweighed the number of multi-family units in the southeast, southwest, and west areas of the city in 2013. The housing mix was more evenly distributed in the central and east areas with approximately 49 percent and 58 percent, respectively, of the total sector dwelling units being single family. The north area had the greatest proportion of multi-family units, with just over 67 percent. It also had the largest number of multifamily units (15,367). The second largest number of multi-family units was found in the east area (13,985). These two areas of the city accounted for almost two-thirds (65 percent) of the City’s multi-family housing stock in 2013, while maintaining just 38 percent of the City’s total housing stock. The impact of continued housing and population growth on the city’s density cannot be overstated. As the population of the city grows, the ratio of residentially developed acreage relative to the number of people living in the city will decrease. In 2013, the average number of housing units per acre of residentially developed land remained at approximately six units. This number remains unchanged from that of 2012. Employment By the end of 2013, the city had eight employers with more than 2,000 employees. However, the largest percentage of jobs continues to be in the low-wage sectors related to hospitality and food services with less growth in high-wage sectors. (A detailed community profile is included in the Appendix.) 17