Arlene Brown Mitchell Network Presents: The New Generation Celebrity Issue 3 | страница 4

Food and Home



When it comes to food for your family you want it to be healthy but you also want it to be tasty and not costly. These days putting a great meal on the family table is hard. When we buy we sometimes buy the "Brand Name" products. For a few years now consumers have found that store brands and "No Name" brands taste good and cost less.

Supermarkets are now popping up all over the cities and countries that give you all types of food to choose from like breads, cereals, fruits, vegtables, rices, meats and more that are nutritious.

Pricing is important for all families rich or not so rich because the motto of save a little and have for another day is real. When you can spend less and get more then you have struck gold.

Worrying about your children eating well something that all parents think about. They travel far distances to find sales and often that meals going quite a few miles out of their towns or neigborhoods.

In the end the bottom line is that heathy, fresh and low costing food is near you so don't hesitate to get it!

Home is where the heart is, now that is a true statement! Everyone wants a home to feel like a home when they walk in and spend time inside. Your home is a huge reflection of who you are and how you live. Many people believe that if you spend alot of money on your furniture that it's better.

The truth is, it's not! Sounds crazy right but true. You can pay less and the furniture be high quality as well as look great. When shopping in different places you always want to consider two major things. The first : What are you like and the second: what do you need. From those two known facts you can shop reasonable, get what you want and spend only what you have to spend.

Each room in your home should have a piece of the person that is occuping it. You, your husband, children, your mate(girlfriend or boyfriend) or just you if you live alone. So purchase pieces with that in mind as well as accessiories that can be used after anyone of them moves out. Yep, I wrote "Anyone of them move out". It is a fact that children, husband or mates (girlfriend or boyfriend) sometimes move out after a period of time.

The decor and feel have to be in tune with

your thoughts and feelings. So whenever you go home from work or relation time outside it is a welcoming feeling upon entering your home. Yes, home also means apartment!

Photo by 2@pressmaster