The Daily Grind
Nobody said Arjun’s life is easy. Between the grind of AP courses and his Amstud DIVE project, it would seem almost essential that he maintain some sort of daily regiment to keep himself sane. This articles aims to sate the curiosity of those who want to know the inns and outs of Arjun’s daily life. From Monday to Friday, at about 7 am in the morning to...around 11 pm at night, the “Daily Arjundo Grind” goes on.
It all starts in the morning. Arjun wakes up at around 7, has a shower, gets dressed, etc. and then proceeds to make his good friend Teva wait for him as he(Arjun) is late for the carpool. The two then walk to the around the A building to meet up with our friends. From there, Arjun goes off and complains about Amstud and DIVE, occasionally taking time to listen to Derrick discuss League of Legends. Now, Arjun goes to class. Some days his first class of the day is Pre-Calculus and other Japanese 3. In math, he wears away at his teacher’s perpetual lessons, but manages to ace all the tests with ease. Japanese is a more challenging class; he actually has to listen to the teacher to keep up with the class. Still an easy A nevertheless.
After brunch, where Arjun has his milk carton of fishy crackers(yes, you read that correctly) leached on by Brooks, Arjun heads to either AP Comp Sci or AP Bio. After AP tests, both classes are noticeably easier than before. They resort to “group projects” to end the year peacefully. As Arjun himself put it. “AP Bio first semester [was] too hard. AP Bio second semester [was] too easy. That final curve.” Finally, we reach the final class of the day, Amstud, the home of DIVE. That day will be the Day of Judgement for Arjun and his Amstud grade. Of course until then Arjun prepares with his group everyday after school achieving some semblance of progress. We won’t delve anymore into Arjun’s private or home life, but we can surely assume he will receive lectures and scoldings from his mom for not studying enough for AP’s, the SAT, ACT, SAT II’s, and whatever else a good disciplined parent can find to make his or her child do. And Arjun goes through this every school day without respite. Luckily, Arjun finds relief on the weekends where he can chat online with his friends and play online games such as League or Starcraft 2. Until next month, hope you enjoyed, or at least thought about, the “Arjundo Grind.”