1. The name “Argentina” comes from the Latin word for silver, “argentum.” Early European settlers believed the country was full of silver due to a legend that existed about a mountain of silver in Argentina.
2. Argentinians spend the most time listening to radio out of any nation in the world, at an average of 2.1 hours daily.
3. Political parties have their own brands of beer.
4. The Tango originated here the slaughterhouse district of Buenos Aires around the end of the 19th century.
5. In 2001, there were 5 presidents in 10 days.
6. There are no school busses, and students must buy their own books and uniforms.
7. The Italian population in Argentina is the second largest in the world outside of Italy with over 25 million people. Brazil is the only country that beats Argentina with 28 million.
8. Argentina has been the uninterrupted world
polo champion since 1949 and most of the top 10 players today came from Argentina.
9. Women make up only 40% of Argentina’s workforce on hold over 30% of Argentina’s congressional seats.
10. A traditional Argentine cure for a stomach ache is to pull the skin covering the lower vertebrae on the back, which is called “tirando el cuero.”
Fun facts about Argentina