Archived Kindergarten handbook | Page 11

Child Nutrition

The Child Nutrition programs are managed by the Anoka- Hennepin School District . Meals are prepared fresh daily by our experienced staff who serve approximately 25,000 students every day . The Child Nutrition department operates independently from the general education fund and maintains a self-sustaining budget .
The USDA National School Lunch Program sets the sodium , fat and calorie guidelines for all meals served in our schools . Our mission is to prepare nutritious meals that meet or exceed those guidelines and to create a safe and positive environment for our guests to enjoy their meals and for our staff to work in . We strive to meet and exceed food handling , proper sanitation and safety guidelines and to be fiscally responsible with our budget , to the district and our community .
You can find menus for each of our schools online at ahschools . us / menus or download the mobile app , “ School Lunch by Nutrislice ”, in the iTunes or Google Play store or on the Anoka-Hennepin app then click lunch menus .
After school snacks Adventures Plus and many schools participate in the after school snack program .
A la Carte An A la carte item is any item purchased separately from , or in addition to , a breakfast or lunch meal . Milk , unless it is part of a complete breakfast or lunch , is an A la carte item available for $. 50 . In order to purchase any A la carte item , including milk , the student must have money in his or her account to pay for the item or items .
What meals are available at school ?
Breakfast Breakfast is free for all kindergartners ! Breakfast is offered in all schools . Breakfast includes a choice of entrée , milk , and a serving of fruit and / or juice . Some schools allow students to bring their breakfast to their classrooms .
Lunch Lunch is offered to all students in grades PreK-12 . Lunch includes an entrée , milk , and fruits and vegetables . Depending on the entrée , side items may be available as well . Students have many items to choose from at lunch each day .