Archived Kindergarten handbook | Page 10


Transportation department information How will my child get to school ? Bus service is available for students who live one mile or more from school and for those who live less than one mile from school but who need to cross hazardous roads to get to school .
Transportation and day care Parents whose children attend day care or Adventures Plus and need transportation must fill out a Day Care Request form . This form was included in the packet of materials you received from your school at kindergarten registration . If you need this form and did not receive it , you can download it from the Transportation homepage on the Anoka- Hennepin School District website at www . ahschools . us / transportation . The form is on the left-side of the page and will be available online May 15 .
Please complete the form as soon as possible and return it to the Transportation department . This information is necessary for your child to be properly routed on a bus to and from school .
Bus information If your child is eligible for transportation , you will receive bus information in the mail about a week before school starts .
Waiting for the bus Students should be at the bus stop five minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time .
Safety for students who walk to school The Transportation department provides adult crossing guards at key intersections to help children cross streets safely as they walk to and from school .
Designated safe walking paths have been developed . There is a link for them on the left-side of the Transportation home page at www . ahschools . us / transportation .
Proper behavior on school buses is essential The following rules and regulations have been adopted by the Anoka-Hennepin School Board . It is hoped that these guidelines will help us to provide safe transportation to and from school for your student . As per Minnesota Statute 123B . 90 , “ Riding a school bus is a privilege , not a right .” If you have questions about Transportation , please call 763-506-1125 .