ground water to high-conservancy toilet cisterns
for flushing purposes, and all purchasers were
canvassed to remove their bathtubs from their
respective units, resulting in only 4 bathtubs in
the entire building.
Although the industry has been talking for years
about Uber and public transport, Tuynhuys is one
of the first upscale residential developments to
pioneer a parking ratio of only 0.5 parking bays per
unit in the Cape Town CBD - substantially reducing
the development’s day-to-day carbon footprint.
The design of all fenestration was carefully
orientated and assessed by a dedicated XA
consultant, culminating in the targeted and
applicable installation of performance glass and
double glazing on selected façades - thereby
reducing heat gain / loss and minimising the
requirement of air conditioning.
To take advantage of an extremely buoyant
residential market in Cape Town, an architect, a
quantity surveyor and a property broker decided
to seek out an appropriate site on which to build
an apartment building. In 2015 an existing vacant
building on Keerom Street in Cape Town was
identified by architect, Robert Silke, as a potential
development site.
Tuynhuys 43