Architect and Builder Offices Retrospective | Page 27

solid encircling elements ( functional ducts ). Only the uppermost double volume floor breaks free of the solid elements giving the impression that the glass in fact exists behind the ducts . This is further dramatised by deep shadow lines formed by the projecting ducts at the point where they meet the cylinder . The cylinder , as with the other elements of the building is terminated by a dished circular roof with a central pinnacle .
INTERIOR ARCHITECT ’ S COMMENTS The brief was that the design , quality , finishes and services of the building should be of the highest standard for corporate offices in South Africa . Working closely with the client , Interior Designers , Inhouse Design Studio , not only achieved this , but effectively communicated their brand identity , culture and values through a high quality interior design solution .
SHG occupy 8,000m 2 of the building spanning across seven of the fourteen floors . The 5th floor is dedicated to client communication . Comprising 16 boardrooms , call centres , private mobile phone rooms , a cutting edge auditorium using the latest in lighting , audio-visual and IT ; a legal library , two coffee bars and several lounge areas boasting custom made furniture , all provide an environment far beyond convention .
The use of indigenous timber , glass , porcelain , stainless steel and lighting is continued throughout the floors . Exploring the highly effective solution of open plan office environment a further visual link between four floors was created by placing transparent glass portholes within the floor slabs .
Working closely with selected specialist consultants , Inhouse were able to continue their design language to the several outside spaces .
Using an ethereal quality tented canvas , stone sculptures , water features and accent lighting , these areas of pause create an added dimension to the whole .
CONCLUSION Cape Town is blessed with a rich architectural heritage on the one hand , and examples of buildings that disregard virtually every appropriate design principle , on the other . The built form of the city needs to respond to the human scale of the pedestrian , offer shelter from often inclement weather and be visually pleasing to the eye . Designed as a Corporate Head Office for the dynamic legal firm , Sonnenberg Hoffmann Galombik , the building achieves the objective of providing an identity in keeping with SHG ’ s cutting edge corporate image .
SHG House 27