Architect and Builder Offices Retrospective | Page 26

up to the top parking level . The parking floor openings are screened with louvres .
The Atria Floors The first five floors of offices are wrapped around central atria which are open . The atrium floors are accentuated on the three rectilinear corners by full five storey flush glazed elements . These elements add a dimension of uniformity , even symmetry to the lower elements of the building , whilst not being in conflict with the balance of the scheme . The curved section of the atrium floors abutting Loop Street extension are the base elements to this dramatic sweeping façade .
These floors read as parts of both the atrium floors , as well as the curved floors above . The key aesthetic for this façade being horizontal banding of glass and smooth “ Namibian Pearl ” cladding
is evident in full on this façade , and between the flush glazed corner elements on the other façades . This aesthetic continues on the upper floors . The atrium floors are capped with dramatic wing roofs , which sweep upwards and outwards . These roofs not only visually terminate the atrium floors but also echo the dish roof on the glazed cylinder and a similar crowning element to the curved floors .
The Curved Upper Floors Above the atrium floors and along the Loop Street extension façade are the upper office floors . Five in number , these floors follow the dramatic Loop Street curve , but also step back uniformly from the north east to the south west . The envelope restriction has resulted in an exciting building form which radiates back towards the tower elements . These floors are clad in the same materials as the atrium floors . Each floor terminates from the main core , in a large balcony at the north east . The uppermost fourteenth floor of the building is roofed with the same element as the atrium floors , this time however the roof follows the curve of the façade . The curved upper floors are orientated to the north and east and have stunning views of the bay to the north and the mountain to the south .
The Cylindrical Core The main focal point of the building is the cylindrical core . Positioned on the prominent south west interface with the northerly Loop Street axis , this element gives the building identity from almost any viewpoint . The cylinder functions as the buildings primary core , housing receptions and toilet areas . The cylinder is designed to read as a glazed element projecting up and out of two
26 SHG House