Architect and Builder Oct/Nov 2017 | Page 30

NORTH WEST ELEVATION A significant portion of the building occupants will have a direct line of site to the outdoors. This means that people can adjust the focus of their eyes beyond the building, helping to prevent eyestrain. Research has shown that these micro- breaks can improve concentration. The extensive glass façade as well as internal atriums also allow ample natural light to enter the building, resulting in a reduced need for artificial lighting. Glass façades often come with the downside of daylight glare which can be very uncomfortable for building occupants seated where direct sun shines onto the workspace. Blinds are installed to FIRST LEVEL PLAN (Typical) PODIUM LEVEL PLAN 30 all offices floors to mitigate the above and optimal occupant comfort is ensured. Care has been taken to ensure that all interior finishes have low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). By implementing this initiative the risk of adverse health complications due to toxic fumes which often off-gas within enclosed spaces is minimised. Energy saving light fittings have been installed throughout the building. Office floors and meeting rooms have also been fitted with occupancy sensors with lighting zones no greater than 100m 2 . This minimises the energy consumption for lighting purposes by a large extent, turning off lights in unoccupied zones. Together with an energy efficient chiller and other power systems the building is approximately 47% more efficient when compared to a conventional building. This also means that operational costs attributed to energy usage decreases and this in turn contributes as return investment towards incremental costs incurred by the developer at the initial implementation stage. All water use and major energy consuming equipment is metred and connected to the BMS for real-time monitoring, allowing for timeous reporting and response on all faulty systems. This ensures that the building operates as per the intended design. The interior of the building is finished with materials that provide building users with a desirable acoustic environment. Multiple roof layers contribute towards the reduction of external noise pollutants travelling into the workspace. These include steel roof-sheeting, slip-sheet roof, layers of gypsum plaster and acoustic ceiling tiles. The project was encouraged to use materials with little to negative environmental impact promoting the use of reused material such as steel. The concrete used on the project has low embodied energy when compared to 100% OPC mixes as it has been mixed with a considerable amount of alternative material such as flyash. Where possible the procurement of materials sourced within the local markets was encouraged to support the local economy and small business. Tremendous commitment and effort from the multi-disciplinary project team has ensured that a high quality and aesthetically pleasing development with sound green building principles is delivered. The development achieved a 4 Star Green Star Certification in March 2017 and is currently pursuing an As Built certification by year-end. BCX