Sustainability Aspects
The decision to go green for the new BCX
headquarters was emphasised at the conceptual
stage of the project. The multi-benefits of Green
Buildings such as occupant comfort, reduced
operational cost and reduction of negative
environmental impacts associated with the
construction industry further encouraged the
managerial decision to construct a green building
and pursue Green Star Certification. WSP were
appointed to provide sustainability expertise on
the project and are responsible for facilitating
the certification process in line with the Green
Building Council of South Africa’s (GBCSA)
requirements and guidance.
Prior to the construction of the development the
site was largely an unoccupied greenfield of low
ecological value. By building on this unused space
within a relatively densified zone, management has
actively contributed towards the reduction of urban
sprawl and impractical town planning structures.
An assortment of public amenities such as ATMs,
retail stores and laundromat services are within
walking distance of the development. The building
users can conveniently address their practical daily
needs without unnecessary travel.
Sustainable aspects of the building include
such as energy and water efficiency, improved
indoor environmental quality delivered to
occupants and careful selection of construction
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