Shading on the west and east elevations to further lower building energy usage is implemented via the structural fins . By minimising the glass on these façades it lowers the amount of direct sunlight that could heat up the building in summer . The north elevation is shaded in a similar fashion , but allows in sunlight during winter .
Challenges One of the major challenges was working in close proximity to a space that was already being utilised by the public . This included the retail centre and its parking area as the new development is situated in a smaller corner of the site and the only access was from the retail centre parking lot . It was thus decided to apply for a wayleave and an access point was created on the northern boundary from Solomon Mahlangu Avenue for major equipment , thereby avoiding pushing heavy machinery and building materials through the centre parking area .
Another major challenge was putting up a crane on the site in close proximity to Waterkloof Air Force Base . Permission had to be obtained and the crane had to stay below the height restriction . This was a challenge as the height of the building was just under the height restriction zone and allowed for little space closer to the end of the project between the roof and the crane and therefore proper planning and coordination needed to be taken into consideration . This was done by leaving the overhang of the entrance as one of the last items , building the structure surrounding the crane , then removing the crane . After this , a team closed up the opening using
scaffolding and height safety gear and the roofing was completed .
Conclusion “ We are particularly pleased to complete this new development at Castle Gate with fully-let offices and excellent uptake at Planet Fitness , showing that it responds to a significant demand that was uncatered for in this neighbourhood . The latest addition to Castle Gate reflects Atterbury ’ s ethos for developing mixed-use nodes ; each new property type that we add makes a significant contribution to the overall project at every phase . The excellent interaction between the new workspace , gym and the lifestyle offering is already evident ,” says Pieter Olivier , Development Manager for Atterbury .
Castle Gate 59