Architect and Builder May/Jun 2023 | Page 63

out study areas . It looks down onto the main ‘ slow ’ lounge space . The feeling created is one of contemporary , spacious living suited to both students and young professionals .
The new construction allowed for more accommodation to be created , especially some larger three bed apartments . These are situated above a new parking area which adds additional parking to the existing site . A laundry was also accommodated in this extension . The existing hotel rooms were refurbished into modern one
and two bed apartments in line with the interior design room concept .
Refurbishment of any building always creates challenges that are not posed by working from the blank canvas of a new build and in Stellenbosch these challenges are very much guided by the Aesthetics Committee of the Stellenbosch Municipality which lays down strict guidelines for development in Stellenbosch due to its historic buildings . All development needs to adhere strictly to design criteria that ensure the
My Space @ Paradys 63