Architect and Builder May/Jun 2023 | Page 57

façades face the inner courtyard that allow a layered interconnectedness between different spaces within the building and ensure natural light floods the workspaces .
The western façade between the two curved bookends is deeply set back , creating a buffer zone between the interior and the exterior , ensuring that the building remains cool and comfortable , even on the hottest Northern Cape summer days . The main signifier component of the design is the dark gray main entrance to the building on the western façade that stands out as the dominant core of the building . Glazed to open up the space to the street , the lift shaft contained therein also becomes a feature .
Whilst the curved concrete walls and robust exterior provide a visual display of the natural finishes for passersby , views of and access to the courtyard are reserved for the occupants of the building . Designed with sustainability and energy efficiency in mind the landscaped courtyard not only enhances the building ’ s visual appeal for its tenants but also contributes greatly to its natural ventilation and passive cooling . Besides the use of cast concrete in certain areas of the building the rest of the construction made use of cavity wall brickwork . Whilst it may seem unusual to specify cavity wall construction away from the coast , the cavity works very well to combat heat gain within the building .
Conclusion Although designed without particular tenants in mind , the DSC Centre has become sought after by a number of firms , especially those in the medical field , who appreciate the contemporary design and thoughtful consideration of the Kimberley climate .
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