Architect and Builder Mar/Apr 2023 | Page 31

worked closely with the engineers to achieve the right levels for the access road at the rear of the centre . The centre is fronted by a double level of parking , with both shop level and basement parking available . From the basement you can access the shops either via escalator or lift .
Façade The use of concrete in the façade worked quite well as its fluid nature allowed for the creation of some interesting soft forms , particularly in the courtyard area . This created a more organic form compared to the standard angular strip mall design . Concrete is also beneficial as it is low maintenance and relatively easy to construct with . The concrete forms were kept clean and uncluttered , with nothing attached to the soffit . Lighting is attached to columns and signage to the walls in order to preserve the lines of the concrete . Water is collected on the surface of the canopy and taken down the inside of the concrete support columns . The end result is a large but very thin and delicate canopy .
Marine Walk 31