Architect and Builder Mar/Apr 2023 | Page 30

The Site The site selected for the centre on Jabu Ngcobo Drive is situated in a depression , backed by a large bank which has been levelled out onto a platform . The challenge for the architects , COA , was to accommodate a traditional linear mall of approximately 9,000m 2 on a steep , irregularly shaped site . The design solution was to break up the straight line by creating a ‘ boomerang ’ shaped island in the front of the building that also allowed for a central courtyard . The result is that the main retail elements face the
parking which provides the required exposure whilst the restaurants are situated further back within the courtyard created by breaking the linear profile . It was also important to orientate the building towards the busy intersection , ensuring good visibility . The goal was to meet the criteria set by the client and retail tenants , with regards accessibility and visibility on a challenging site .
Accessibility to back of house delivery areas is just as vital to the success of a centre as access to parking for visitors , and the architects
30 Marine Walk