interfacing the open parking courtyard, which is
accessed from the side road on the east of the
site. Set on three levels of basement parking,
the building displays a scale which belies its
subterranean accommodation.
Being centrally located, the foyer and lift core
promote an efficient distribution of office spaces
and minimises circulation to tenancies. The retail
spaces are set well back from the office façade line
above to create a lofty arcade interfacing the tree
lined street. This arcade offers a shaded pedestrian
environment and is envisaged to encourage
restaurants to spill out into these public spaces
to activate the street edge. The building engages
with a sloping street condition east to west and
this is negotiated with a broad stair within the
arcade space to link with a lower retail level on
The Boulevard
the west side of the site. This step also allows a
secondary pedestrian entrance to the building and
provides a direct access into the middle basement
parking level.
Architectural Expression
It is patent that there is a current overt propensity
in new cities and new precincts to design ‘eye
candy’ buildings with complex forms and over
articulated façades, often driven to visually
‘outdo’ neighbouring buildings in the streetscape.
The Boulevard purposefully avoids this approach
to offer a somewhat unassuming presence in
its environment. This urbane recipe intends to
display a quiet and well mannered exterior to its
neighbours with its modest scale enhancing this
intention. The building delivers a composition of