Architect and Builder July/August 2015 | Page 6

EDITORIAL SHELLEY WOODE-SMITH | EDITOR OUR TEAM EDITOR / SALES Shelley Woode-Smith 021 683 3766 ASSISTANT EDITOR / SALES Louise Fenner-Solomon 021 712 0570 CONSULTING EDITOR Diana Woode I wrote my editorial while sitting on my parents deck at their cottage in the Garden Route. I felt quite lyrical surrounded by vibrant vegetation and the sound of the sea over the dunes. I was visiting them with my daughter who was about to embark on a six-month exchange to Germany and needed to say goodbye to her grandparents. So, the reason for my visit was bittersweet, but nothing can detract from the sense of harmony and peace I feel there. This got me to thinking about the types of buildings we inhabit. Most would call my parents home ‘quaint’ or ‘rustic’ yet it fits seamlessly into the landscape it occupies. A glass façaded highrise would be incongruous at