Architect and Builder Jul/Aug 2024 | Page 35

A sewer treatment plant provides grey water for the development . The grey water is used for watering the gardens and is re-used for toilets and urinals in the centre .
Indigenous and hardy vegetation was selected for the landscaping around the centre . Minimal water consumption was the key factor in the selection of suitable plants .
A central refuse area caters for sorting through dry waste , namely bottles , tins and paper . These items are baled and placed into strips for recycling purposes .
Wet waste from restaurants is dealt with via macerators installed within their sinks .
The macerators discharge wet waste into the sewerage system mitigating the presence of rodents and insects .
Large domestic and fire water tanks were introduced to cater for a five day water supply to the centre in the event of municipal water not being available .
Conclusion The success of both the initial phase of Hebron Mall and its subsequent addition will be the catalyst for future development on the neighbouring sites and the development of the greater region .
Hebron Mall 35