arrangement for operational flows . Ultimately the team has designed a robust and adaptable structural framework that supports heavy loads , tall storage racks , and potential expansions . The design criteria took cognisance of seismic and dolomitic geotechnical conditions and ensured the facility can withstand various environmental conditions .
From both a construction and logistics point of view , the DC is designed around the latest methodologies and techniques . Construction methodologies include concrete tilt up walls and columns , creating a resilient and robust shell . The structural steel roof framing , which was softly curved and exaggerated by the use of continuous double radiused roof sheets over the roof monitors , creates seamless and gentle lines in order to soften the large architectural form of the industrial typology . The roof also functionally follows the racking profiles as tightly as possible to avoid excessive structural heights and reduces steel weights .
Tall internal racking requirements , which maximise the efficiencies of space , make the flatness of the warehouse floor a critical construction item . The highly specialised , laser-levelled , post-tensioned concrete floor , poured to FM-2 standards allows for limited joints and therefore the most efficient machine handling equipment movement within the DC .
To co-ordinate such a complex facility , the project team , which was spread across the country and affected by Covid-19 work-from-home protocols , implemented a 3D Building Information Modelling ( BIM ) process that afforded all the consultants the insight and tools to more efficiently plan , design , construct , and ultimately manage the infrastructure .
FAÇADES The soft curve industrial typology was extended through to all the outbuildings and main admin office block structure , where simple cost saving façades were integrated along with curved profiled roof sheeting to seamlessly blend office and industrial functionalities .
The extremely long warehouse elevations were broken down by cleverly introducing a texture to the façades through the use of matt vs gloss side cladding sheets , at no additional cost to the project .
36 Pick n Pay