087 310 1762 www . dp-group . com
Design Partnership is an Interior and Architecture design studio founded in 1994 , with offices in Johannesburg , Cape Town and Sydney , as well as long-standing joint venture relationships with offices in Mauritius and Ireland .
Design Partnership started with a specialist focus on only Food & Beverage projects . This appreciation for specialisation has been retained as the company grew into new sectors , with specialist teams across a range of sectors including retail , hospitality , workplace , and healthcare .
With a dynamic team of more than 50 , the company is led by directors Adrian Morris , Richard Laws and Carina Share and continues to grow as one of the leading commercial design companies in South Africa .
Design Partnership has won a number of design awards , which include a Loerie , several RDDA awards , African Property Awards , and a Good Design Award .
We Make Place . We understand and design interior and architecture environments that connect people , brands and businesses . We are not a ‘ Jack of all Trades ’ Design + Build business . We have dedicated teams each dedicated to the core disciplines of Workplace , Hospitality and Retail . as it reflects Seacom ’ s core purpose - connecting Africa to the world - and it aligns with their culture which pivots around the idea of connectivity .
When considering the attributes of the Smart City , it is the spaces between buildings and infrastructure that offer the most appealing opportunities for people to connect . A marketplace on a disused highway , a garden beneath a bridge , or a chandelier suspended from a streetlight – these are the kinds of places that pique interest and offer us truly distinctive and captivating environments . The qualities that are found in and around these places helped direct the design look and feel .
Materials Inspired by city streets ; the raw base palette of exposed concrete and services and raw timber informs the architectural backdrop . Splashes of greenery bring the design to life . Access to greenery and natural light is closely tied to wellbeing . One of the benefits to include greenery in the workplace is the emotional engagement that
We believe what the world needs are great places designed to engage peoples emotions and keep them coming back . We believe people will always need place to connect .
Place to call home , to be productive and to discover . Place that feels familiar , even when it offers something new . Designed to best meet the needs of its users , community and the environment in which it exists . Created for people to enjoy as well as to admire , because great place is designed to partner people with their purpose .
We make Place
72 Seacom