Architect and Builder February/March 2019 | Page 34
All the occupied areas are also equipped
with a direct expansion central heat recovery
air conditioning system. This heat recovery air-
conditioning system is also used for the hot water
generation by using the energy recovered from
the air-conditioning to lower the energy required
to heat the water.
The basement parking is equipped with CO
sensors to only extract the exhaust air in the
basement in relation to the CO levels sensed to a
maximum of 10 Air changes per hour.
All toilets are equipped with ceiling extrac-
tion and Hygizone systems that extract the
toilet odours and germs at the source at
low level at the back of the toilet bowl. This
reduces the risk and distance that the odour
must travel to a conventional ceiling extraction.
All grey water and rain water is harvested in
the basement of the building. This stored water
gets ozone treated and is fed to all the toilets
and urinals.
Sustainable Elements
• Solar panels on the roof
• Water harvesting
• Grey water system
• Minimal use of materials
• FSC Certified Timber
• Carpets, adhesives and paints that
had very low or no VOC’s.
• Double glazing and performance
glass where required.
• BMS System to monitor the Energy
and water use of the building.
• LED Lighting and movement sensors
Electricity House