ambitious 5-star As-Built rating. In addition to
this Arup have also been appointed to assist
the anchor tenant, Nedbank Ltd, in targeting a
5-star Interiors Fit-Out rating.
Features that helped achieve the 4-star Green
Star design rating:Preliminary calculations show
that the project will achieve a 36% reduction
in energy consumption over the Green Star
benchmark. Both passive and active strategies
are being implemented to achieve this target.
The façade is optimised for both thermal
performance and daylight harvesting.
The development has two primary sources
of cooling:
• Air-cooled chillers with assisted ice storage
system for the Nedbank portions of
the development.
• VRF air conditioning systems to the A-grade
office spaces of the development.
• The main refrigeration plant shall have a
reverse cycle heat pump to cater for the low
heating requirements of the development.
The lighting has been designed for optimal
energy efficiency via:
• Good daylight levels, with the use of
occupancy sensors for switching, saving
energy when unused.
• All lighting will have LED sources, which are
energy efficient
• Lighting zones in the offices do not exceed
100m 2 , which allows for only the occupied
spaced to be lit.
Park Square
Carbon dioxide monitors in offices and
carbon monoxide monitors in basement car
park to ensure that optimum amounts of
outside air is delivered to the building.
Water and energy metering systems
monitor and manage consumption. The
first step in building water efficiency is
to limit the demand. This will be done by
means of installing low flow fittings. The
project team created an initiative ‘Create
with Waste’ which encourages upcycling
of construction waste in the project in
innovative ways.
Park Square’s open design reveals the
human activity taking place within the
development. The result is a visibly
connected, integrated and open community
where people can come together in a vibrant,
urban space.
Ken Reynolds, a director at Nedport
Developments says, “Projects like Park Square
are effectively turning the South African urban
planning paradigm around. This innovative and
connected space encourages people to think
beyond the boardroom, take time to unplug
and to connect with one another. By similarly
drawing the surrounding communities for
shopping and relaxing, the overall effect is a
sociable, communal space that emphasises a
convenient and balanced work life experience.”