Feature Screen
The architectural aspiration for the Nedbank lobby
curtain wall is for a highly transparent glazed
curtain wall system with minimal supporting
structure to span the 8.6m height. The system is
supported by steel columns and beams that are in
turn fixed in to the PT slab soffit and ground slab.
The glazed system is in turn fixed and sealed to
the surrounding structure, including the centrally
located circular concrete column.
Lighting Design
The approach to the external lighting design for
Park Square focused on the quality of the overall
experience for both tenants and visitors using
the public space. Park Square shows how careful
integration of light with the various streetscape,
landscape and architectural features can transform
the public realm.
The ex ternal lighting design had the
following objectives:
• to create an appropriate ambience and mood.
• to promote legibility through the illumination of
features including edges, nodes, paths and the
enhancement of key vistas.
• to promote a unique identity for the area
• to provide for safety, security, orientation and
assists way finding
• to provide sustainable lighting solutions that
minimise energy use.
The lighting design combines well illuminated
focal points and destinations. The architecture
modulates the light, creating interest. The quality
of light was achieved using a limited light colour
temperature palette of white light, together with
a range of light intensities giving definition to the
different areas and functions of the site.
Park Square was awarded a 4-star Design rating by
the Green Building Council of South Africa. Nedport
have subsequently committed to targeting a more
Park Square