ArchiBuild and Builder Jul 2022 | Page 56

This Page : Ground Floor / Reception scale and legibility to the façade , the floor slabs are expressed as concrete edges delineating floors in the building . The regularity and rhythm of the ‘ well-mannered ’ brick façade is disrupted by seemingly spontaneous sheets of curtain wall glazing , and ‘ cut-outs ’ hinting at the location of special functions inside the building .
Making such bold façade gestures on an urban scale , allowed the material palette to be reduced to its most simple building elements : a standard ROK clay brick , exposed concrete
slab edges and glass . The clarity and simplicity of the architectural idea meant that there was no reliance on expensive finishes or other add-ons for the sake of aesthetic enhancement .
2U Interiors 2U is an online education platform delivering high quality digital education , partnering with universities and corporate partners to expand access to world class online education and unlock human potential .
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