A staff canteen is located below the main office which places it directly adjacent to the warehouse for easy and equal access for both blue collar and white-collar staff .
Aesthetic Response The design concept of this flagship warehouse for SEW-Eurodrive is an amalgamation of the building ’ s specific location and the influence of the international brand . As a well-established company founded in the early 1930 ’ s there is a rich pool of SEW-Eurodrive branding precedents from which DBM Architects were able to draw from . As the corporate identity specification did not prescribe massing and form , they still had the freedom to develop the character of the brand .
Some of the distinct features of the buildings are the clean horizontal and vertical lines which are defined by tones of light greys and white which contrast with the SEW-Eurodrive red . The architecture of this facility capitalises on its prominent location through the use of striking angled lines and selected brand specific colours .
The warehouse façades are a combination of charcoal , white and translucent polycarbonate side sheeting which creates a dynamic brand specific composition . The large bold red signage on the southwestern corner of the building proudly displays the company brand .
Site Challenges The site posed many challenges most notably a substantial crossfall of 20m along the east-west axis . Added to this was the fact that vehicular access was required throughout the perimeter of the building . The architectural response to push in the northern end of the facility below the ground level afforded the opportunity to create the flattest possible receiving and dispatch yard on the southern end of the site .
24 SEW-Eurodrive