AQHA Sept-Oct 2024 Low Res AQHA Magazine September - October 2024 | Page 36

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DIRECTOR REPORTS - 2024 / 2025
- Portfolio : Cattle & Time Events
Another year that I have had the opportunity to be the Cattle and Timed Event Portfolio holder has been and gone and what a great year it has been . This part of our industry is a major part of the income for AQHA with registrations , breeding returns , transfers and of course memberships bringing a huge return to the AQHA and this is something that the other side of our industry is probably not aware of .
In the Camp Draft side , entries are usually in the hundreds at each class at the drafts , the leading events pays over a $ 100k to win let alone the income derived by the stallion owners in service fees and to the mare owners , the value of the progeny out of these well performed mares .
Because of this , the sales of potential Camp Draft horses are huge with the annual Nutrien sale grossing over $ 10,000,000 in sales each year and its usually a Quarter Horse topping the sections of the sale as well .
The Cutting side is also on the up and up , the annual NCHA Futurity pays also a $ 100k to win and the led sale during this events also sees our breed achieve very high prices , the stallion owners are reporting no down turn on the breeding side and the forthcoming season looks to be another bumper one for the cutting horse industry .
The Barrel racing is also showing tremendous growth and like in the USA , they are holding age events as well as their normal events with huge entries as well . This has seen a comeback of the sprint breeding side of our industry with them embracing these bloodline to get the speed into their horses .
Roping is another event about to boom again with them looking at also introducing aged events into there shows , recently some horses from here were exported back to the USA to compete at roping events over there and did us proud in the results they achieved .
The Challenge events are as popular as ever , Cow Horse is on the come back and the likes of Team Penning ect still attracting big numbers at their events .
It ’ s important that the AQHA continues to support this side of the industry to show these members that we do support them to ensure our involvement stays strong with them and this continues into the future .
I get feedback saying that we are spending this and that for the cattle and timed event side , it ’ s an investment we need to maintain .
I thank my sub committee for their support during the year and the rest of the board for recognising the importance of the cattle and timed events portfolio and of course the office which ensures things run smooth .
I wish all members well for the 24 / 25 season and as always , if you have a question or a problem to do with this portfolio , please contact me .
Thanking You Ricky Glen ( Chairperson Cattle and Timed Events Portfolio )
- Portfolio : Show & Performance
Quarter Horses have once again have displayed their ability to excel in a range of activities . This show season the AQHA recorded points from 33 Versatility Ranch Shows , 79 ‘ A ” Shows , 39 AA Shows * 10 “ AAA ” State Shows which included 4 Versatility State Shows , and 1 “ AAAA ” National Show .
The AQHA has sent an updated Rule Book to all financial members . Updated rules are printed in italics and I urge all members to look for these changes .
It has been pleasing to see the increase in Versatility Ranch shows approved this last year . I believe this division of Quarter Horse Performance will continue will continue to grow of this current year .
The AQHA has made funds available to support Traditional activities ( all State Shows ), Quarter Horse Racing , Reining and new events such as Versatility Ranch Shows . The AQHA has run traditional Judges clinics and this year has run a Versatility Ranch Judges Clinic in conjunction with Ranch Horse Australia Association .
Please remember to forward any rule changes to the AQHA as the sub-committee will begin working on the next Rule book early next year .
With thanks Paul Lorimer