AQHA May-June YB 2024 AQHA Magazine May / June 2024 Year Book | Page 14

PG . 12
Nikita and Dee - Trail at Q22
a wheelchair for life . It was traumatic , and no-one knew if I ’ d ever ride again . That mental uncertainty was the hardest part of my recovery . Bedridden for 6 weeks , in pain , and only able to walk from bed to bathroom and back , I wore my back-brace , until April , 2018 , only removing it when in bed . Mum made a ‘ pillow fort ’ either side of me to keep me still . My rehab and recovery program was intense , and learning to walk again was a long process . Looking after me 24 / 7 , prevented Mum from going to work . It was tough , with a flow on affect to those around me . Numerous times a week , to gain strength , I attended physiotherapy , used an exercise ball , and did water aerobics with my grandmother . Mum and her best friend Gai , did everything for me , including my showering and dressing — quite embarrassing for a 21yo . But I ’ m so grateful for them helping me back to independence . Passion and determination to ride was the motivation that also helped me through .’
Nikita ’ s specialist appointment , a week before Q18 Nationals , included her final x-ray . Getting the all-clear , she asked if she could ride again . Doctors said there was no certainty , and all was dependant on her rehab success and strength . Knowing riding was possible lit a fire of determination in Nikita . The following weekend she asked her Mum to bring another horse down to her . She had to get straight back on or it may never happen .
Nikita and Tommy - Western Pleasure
Nikita and Tommy - Trail