AQHA Magazine September / October 2023 AQHA Sept-Oct 2023 LOW RES | Page 29

PG . 27
Beverly Servi with Bet Hesa Cat ( Q-96453 ) ( IS ) Photo by : Quealy Probst
There are no guarantees but there are ways in which you can increase your mares chance of having a healthy foal .
Here are the top tips to increase your mare settling in foal
1 . Read your stallion contract and understand all your responsibilities as mare owner . Live foal guarantee can be limited . ( another article on this ).
2 . Have your mare evaluated by a reproductive vet including a culture , swabbed and biopsy .
3 . Have your mare tested for all equine diseases before breeding and ensure stallion is not a carrier .
4 . Provide excellent care of your mare including all vaccines and mare supplements before , during and after .
5 . Higher percentage of mares settle if you take them directly to the stallion station .
6 . Utilize a reproductive veterinarian specializing in AI ( artificial Insemination ) and ensure they know how to inseminate your mare if using frozen semen because the timing is different .
7 . Leave your mare at the reproductive center until the heart beat check or better yet until 46 days .
8 . Give mare regimate ON TIME and according to your veterinarian instructions , when necessary .
9 . Give mare pneumabort EHV-1 vaccine 3,5,7,9 months and according to your Repro Vet – VIP to lower risk of abortion .
10 . Limit stress and changes and do not separate mares from best buddies .
11 . Support your mare with proper nutrition at all times before , during and after birth . 12 . Proactive care and strongly recommended core vaccines . 13 . Have your mare checked at 14 days and every 30 days to at least 120 days . 14 . Breed early in the season , if possible , so you can rebreed if necessary . 15 . Have your mare foaled out by the reproductive center so they can administer proper plasma . 16 . Always quarantine new animals coming onto property . 17 . Healthy Age . 18 . Educate yourself on breeding and do not just put your future in someone else ’ s hands .
There are many lessons I have learned since I began on my journey in the horse industry . It is my goal to help others make their own dreams come true and that you get the opportunity to feel the pure joy and connections of raising your equine family and increasing your connections with horses and humans .
Being prepared and knowledgeable increases your chances of fulfillment and decreases your stress and heartache .
Beverly Servi is a western equine breeder and stallion owner , as well as a retired CPA and financial consultant .