AQHA Magazine September / October 2023 AQHA Sept-Oct 2023 LOW RES | Page 28

Turning Heartache & Headaches into fulfillment
PG . 26


Turning Heartache & Headaches into fulfillment

Growing up I did not have the opportunity to be in the horse industry but my love for horses kept drawing me to become a breeder . I dreamed of foaling out mares and raising the most extraordinary horses . I researched bloodlines and generally stayed away from what everyone else was doing because I wanted a unique program .

Growing up I did not have the opportunity to be in the horse industry but my love for horses kept drawing me to become a breeder . I dreamed of foaling out mares and raising the most extraordinary horses . I researched bloodlines and generally stayed away from what everyone else was doing because I wanted a unique program . My dream is to have extraordinary horses that are athletically built , colorful and great minded . This includes big bones , broad chest , a big hindquarter along with a striking look and excellent conformation .

It has taken me a decade to find what I have been looking for and it did not come easy . From losing foals , crooked legs , and many unsettled mares , to investing hundreds of thousands of dollars . At one point I felt defeated , I almost quit because of the heartache and anxiety . I am so glad I stuck to it , because my dreams are coming true . It has been joyful and full of connection with horses and humans . There is no better feeling than that true connection with a horse .
Currently , I own a few top-notch mares and I am a stallion owner who is involved in all aspects of standing a stallion , including answering every single message , post and email that comes my way . Being a stallion owner is very rewarding for me because of the connection that I have with mare owners . Often folks will ask questions about breeding and I have had the opportunity to hear the good and no so good part of being in the breeding industry . This is exactly why I decided to write this article . I want to share what I know and the lessons I have learned , in hopes this article may help your dreams come true and that it be fun , rewarding , and exciting adventure breeding your mare .
First , no one wins if your mare does not settle . It is not beneficial to the stallion station , the stallion owner , or the reproductive veterinarian .
I was having a conversation with my friend Gita Thomas , about our mares being a big asset and a financial investment . We do our research , looking at dams , conformation , pour through pedigrees , performance records , and watch show videos when choosing the perfect stallions . Prior to choosing a stallion , we ensure we have a clear understanding that breeding our mare can cost thousands of dollars beyond the stallion fee . We ensure our budget for our breeding endeavors are sound so that we can go into this in a positive manner .
When ready , we have our high quality mares and a high quality stallion chosen and we are well informed . In 11 months our hopes and dreams come true when that new foal hits the ground . The waiting seems like forever as we anticipate what color will it be , will it be a filly or a colt , what will I name it ? Hold your horses ! What is a very important piece that is missing here ? I will answer that question in a second .
Did you know that the conception rate for the equine industry is 65 %? That means out of 100 mares 35 mares will be open at the end of the season . Yes 35 mares . There are many factors that contribute to this percentage including the mares health . According to Barry Ball , DVM , PhD , Dipl . ACT ( reproduction specialist ), University of California , Davis , showed early embryonic loss occurred at a rate of nine percent in young , fertile mares . Therefore , rechecks of the pregnancy are necessary so if an early loss occurs , re-breeding is an option . With a 65 % conception rate and a 9 % embryonic loss , the chance of a viable foal just went down to 56 %. The statistics are alarming , but something you need to be prepared for financially and emotionally . https :// aaep . org / horsehealth / pregnant-mares
The fundamental piece missing above is the need to research and utilize a top quality reproductive equine veterinarian . This cannot be stated enough . The difference between your general vet and the reproductive vet maybe the difference between you ending up with a healthy foal or not . Do your research and find the best reproductive facility that best suits your needs . Building a relationship with your equine reproductive facility is also important . Ask questions and follow all best practices for the care of your mare . Do not cut corners and budget for all costs including potential added costs . ( more budgeting information in another article ). If cost is an issue consider waiting until you have money set aside .
The highest success rate for getting your mare safely settled in foal is to utilize fresh semen and to ensure your mare has a healthy uterus . This means taking your mare directly to the stallion station . If it means having your mare transported a fair distance , do that . If you have a mare that is difficult to settle , take her to the stallion station and let them know her history . Frozen semen is handled differently and therefore another reason to take your mare to an equine reproductive center . If this is not possible , find the best equine REPRODUTIVE VET that is educated in equine reproduction .