AQHA Magazine November/December 2017 AQHA_NOV_DEC_2017 WEBSITE | Page 9

Amateur Committee Hi Fellow Team Members, The term Amateur means, Amateur, Select Amateur and Novice Amateur. AQHA Amateur Division Clinics for New South Wales. This event was well received by our NSW members. A big thank you to our instructors, Kate Elliot and Pauline Stuart-Fox . Here are some of the comments we received; it is so refreshing to positive comments…… •Wow it’s free? I am very grateful. xxxxx •Thank you so much! •I can't wait, it's such a great opportunity to learn from some of the best. •Thank you AQHA Amateur division. Thanks also Kate and Pauline, really looking forward to the clinic. •OMG This is an amazing opportunity, I am so excited to take part, thanks so much to the AQHA am division •Thank you Thank you •Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity  AQHA Amateur Division Clinics for Victoria A link to the ‘Survey monkey will be sent regarding this upcoming Clinic. Amateurs must fill in the Survey to reserve their riding position at the Clinics. Only Amateurs that have given permission for their email address to be accessed will receive the link. Amateurs that do not have an email address will need to access the information from the AQHA Facebook page. Only Financial AQHA Amateur members will receive correspondence, please ensure you renew your membership, to avoid any disappointment. This ensures all members receive the information at the exact same time and Riders responses are recorded on an independent timeline. I suggest all Amateur members ensure the AQHA have permission to use their email address and check that your address is Correct. The survey link will be sent Oct / Nov 2017. Congratulations to the Trans Tasman Teams Challenge Riders. Our Amateurs did not win this year, but look on the bright side; we made the New Zealand team very happy!!!!! So one of our goals was achieved – making people………… Congratulations to everyone that won awards at our prestigious AQHA Annual Awards, that were held in Sydney. Remember, it takes just as much energy to say or do something nice for our fellow Amateurs, as say something negative. Personally, I always try and walk down the lighter path, rather than……………. Finally, thank you to the Amateur Division Committee for their hard work and dedication. Onwards and upwards!! Cheers Leonie Gorski 2017/2018 Amateur Division President President Leonie Gorski Mobile: 0409 903 133 Email: leonter@bigpond. com Vice President Carol Elliott Mobile: 0419 911 273 Email: laketyrell@gmail. com Secretary Jade Thomas-Spicer Mobile: 0411 322 265 Email:   Treasurer Yasmin Lee-Steere Mobile: 0419 992 599   Committee   Jodi Jakubenko  Mobile: 0401 292 843 Email:   Carol Ahern  Mobile: 0419 879 105 Email:   Rebecca Fatchen Mobile: 0427 378 008 Email:   Carla Cox Mobile: 0406 587 342 Email: Youth Committee 2017/2018 President: Matthew Freiberg Vice President: Taj Carson Secretary: Amber Denton Victoria Kasey Wyse, Adam Salt Queensland Chevonne Day, Kylie Phillips Western Australia Tayla Pritchett-Divirgilio New South Wales Holly Gutterson, Amelia Galea Alexis Gifford, Tasmania Rachell Robinson November • December • 2017 • The Australian Quarter Horse Magazine • Page 9