Vale The Equaliser Q-18618 5/9/1987 - 27/5/2018.
THE EQUALISER Q-18618 was bred and trained by
Ian Francis and was purchased by Jillian Farnham
when he was 6 years old. He was the start of what has
become Chance Lodge today and the bond between his
rider Jillian was one to behold. Jillian and Mac compet-
ed throughout Australia raking up a whopping 1761
AQHA Points. Mac was a Champion and had such
versatility that he won in Halter, Hunter Under Saddle,
Showmanship, Trail, Western Horsemanship, Western
Pleasure, Western Riding, Reining, Team Penning,
Working Cowhorse and Equitation. Mac was a proud
and a true Champion, living a relaxed and healthy life
with Jillian, both at their home in Wonga Park and at
Chance Lodge. He was a truly amazing and wonderful
horse and he will be sadly missed but will always be
remembered for the great Champion he was.
Ian Francis Clinic Scholarship
The Mid Western Working Horse
Association based at Mudgee, NSW awarded
young horsewoman, Poppy Douglas, with
the inaugural Ian Francis Clinic Scholarship
for 2018. The scholarship win allowed
Poppy to participate at no charge, in the
three day Horsemanship and Cattle Work
Clinic held March 23rd to 25th.
The scholarship, open to young people aged
12 to 17 years, was the brain child of the
MWWHA Committee to help young people
access the knowledge of a great horseman.
Association president Rick Field told the
AQHA, “We are keen to help build expertise
and correctness in horse riding, training and
cattle work in our young people. If we start
early enough we can help our youth develop
great training and riding habits that will last
a lifetime; improve their confidence; and,
incorporate safe practice in their cattle
Poppy’s written application required her to
describe her medium term riding ambitions
and what she hoped to learn from the Clinic.
In her application, Poppy told the MWWHA
that she was particularly “keen to know how
he gets his spins and sliding stops”.
Western Australian Quarter Horse Association
On the 6th to the 8th of April 2018 saw the WAQHA
holding its Annual Camp Quarter Horse. We were
lucky enough to be able to use the beautiful facilities at
Foxwood Farm Equestrian Centre. We had nine very
excited, giggly 9-15yr girls staying in the dormitory,
boy weren’t we in for a long weekend! Whilst we had
a small number of youth attending, these youth were
able to receive valuable one on one with the clinicians
Brian Cramp, Liz Tollarzo, Narelle Cammarri, Roxanne
Balchin and Kayla Rainoldi. We sincerely thank our
clinicians for donating their time over the weekend.
The coaches had excellent delivery of knowledge and
making sure it was a memorable camp for all the girls.
Friday was bump in day. After the kids and horses
had settled in, we started off with a welcome dinner,
followed by some very active showjumping impres-
sions by the girls. Saturdays clinic started off with an
introduction to Showmanship with Kayla Rainoldi.
Kayla showed the group some amazing footage from
the AQHYA World Championships and a short video
with Holly Hoover, before heading out to the arena.
The morning was filled with practicing pivots, handler
position, and execution of the pattern.
“What I got out of the Clinic were Ian’s
great suppling and softening exercises; the
method of improving spins; how to get a
better shape in my horse when working a
cow; and improvements to the way I cut and During lunch the kids were very fortunate to have
Narelle Cammarri come in and talk to the group about
draft a cow.”
sponsorship and media opportunities. The WAQHA
would like to thank Chad Donovan who has very gen-
“I would like to give a huge thankyou to
erously donated a horse chiropractic, massage session
MWWHA for this scholarship; it was
to the WAQHA Youth Camp. To win this amazing
prize, the group sat down and wrote out a sponsorship
letter to Chad. It was extremely pleasing to see all the
Rick added, “Ian generously shared his
kids banding together and helping each other. Thank
knowledge, and Poppy was a very receptive you again to Narelle for organising this for the kids.
student. Following such a successful begin-
ning, we also will be offering the scholarship After lunch the group was split, and the older group
for the March 2019 Ian Francis Clinic.
(11yrs – 15yrs) went with clinician, Brian Cramp.
Applications will open in October via our
Brian’s lesson was about showring etiquette / rail
facebook page, and we invite young
strategies – each of the group were taught spacing on
members of MWWHA, within a two hour
the rail and correct passing techniques. They also went
through basic training skills for Western Pleasure and
driving radius of Mudgee, to lodge an
10 • The Australian Quarter Horse Magazine • July • August • 2018
Our younger group (6-10yrs), went off with Kayla and
had a