2016 saw the AQHA give out many incentives,
spread out over the Cattle & Timed Events
portfolio. We are now expanding these cash
incentives to include the breeder as well.
At the Warwick Gold Cup, the breeder who
picked up the $500.00 incentive payout was
lucky enough to have re-joined the AQHA
only the month before and had no idea he
was eligible for any incentive payouts at
Coming up in 2017 will see the AQHA
payout $2500.00 to the leading Quarter
Horse in the Australian Campdraft Association
Open Horse and Novice Horse of the Year Award,
which will be split between the owners and the
breeders, each receiving $1,250.00.
The AQHA will also be supporting the Australian
Bushmen’s Campdraft & Rodeo Association in
awarding the same incentives for the leading
Quarter Horse in both the Open and Novice end of
year results.
To be eligible, the horse must be owned by a
financial member of the AQHA and likewise for the
breeder who must be a financial member of the
We will then move to the National Cutting Horse
Association (NCHA) Breeders Incentive show. We
will be splitting $2,500.00 up between the owner
on the breeder of the Highest Placing Registered
Quarter Horse in the Open Derby Final and also
the same amount of $2,500.00 to be split between
the owner and the breeder in the Non Pro Derby
Then, in June we move to the NCHA Futurity. We
will be paying incentives to the value of $5000.00
split between the Open and Non Pro Futurity to
the owner and the breeder of the Highest Placing
Registered Quarter Horse.
Again, to be eligible, the owner and the breeder
have to be financial and of course the horse needs
to be a registered Australian Quarter Horse.
Also, don’t forget the Registration Amnesty, on
registration penalty fees, which finishes on the
30th April 2017. I have spoken to scores of people
who are taking advantage of this, one person said
they have 30 registrations and another had 20
registrations and a lot of singles and doubles of
course. We may not have another amnesty for a
good many years so catch up on the outstanding
registrations while you can.
Ricky Glen
Cattle & Timed Events Convenor
I am pleased to
received a few no se that we have
minations so fa
the subcommitt
ee will meet prio and
r to the
March 2017 Bo
ard Meeting to
their findings fo
r consideration
for 2017.
2017 inductees
their Hall of Fam be presented with
Awards Night, w awards at our 2017
hich will be held
this year
in Sydney on Oc
tober 7th. We al
so will be
considering peop
le and horses w
be eligible in re
ceiving the AQHA ch may
of Esteem/Excel
making the AQHA e for their part in
what it is today.
I urge members
who think they
know of a
person or a hors
e that they may
eligible for nom
ination to the AQ ink is
HA Hall
of Fame or Med
al of Esteem/Exc
to please downl
from the website the nomination form
history on the pe d add a biography/
The AQHA can he on or horse involved.
lp in supplying
points and awar
ds for horses al
ong, with
their progeny’s
back up a horse’s ts and awards, to
I have also spok
en to some of ou
r early
breeders and m
embers to try pr
our past. We ar
e as
anything that th king them to donate
use in the Hall of may think we could
and my long term me at the AQHA office
dream is for the
to establish its
own Hall of Fam
e building.
You may have ol
d paperwork, m
articles, brands
, trophies, phot
os etc of
people and hors
be with us anym which may sadly not
as it may have its e, don’t throw it out
own chapter in
Our future mem
our past otherw rs need to know about
ise, it will be forg
this would be ve
ry sad, so please ten and
, think
about donating
anything which
some history be
hind it to the AQ s got
HA Hall
of Fame.
I would personal
ly like to thank
Baldwin who w
ill be retiring fr
om the Hall
of Fame sub-com
mittee after man
years of being a
y, many
part of it. His we
alth of
knowledge and
is second to none lvement in the AQHA
and he will be a
the subcommitt
loss to
Ricky Glen
Hall of Fame Co
January • • February
February • • 2017
2017 • • The
The Australian
Australian Quarter
Quarter Horse
Horse Magazine
Magazine • • Page
Page 9