AQHA July-Aug 2024 Low Res AQHA Magazine July - August 2024 | Page 11

PG . 9
Dear Members ,
The NCHA Futurity for 2024 is done and dusted and I would like to congratulate The Black Duck owned by Graham and Trish Lamey for taking out the AQHA Incentive for the Open Derby sponsored by AQHA as the owner and breeder of this horse . They picked up $ 5000.00 for this incentive and also congratulations to Tyler Hodgman for showing him .
The AQHA Open Derby owners / breeders night was well supported and all of the finalists were owned and bred by AQHA members .
The NCHA Futurity is a great showcase to promote our breed and congratulations to the NCHA for running such an outstanding show .
The 2024 Nutrien Masters Sale and Campdraft is again coming up in Tamworth from Thursday 29th August – Sunday 1st September and also the ABHA finals are just around the corner as well .
Tropicana will be over by the time you have read this and looking at the AQHA events calendar , there is a big program of events coming up in the near future .
Lodgements for regos and breeders certificates were due the 31st of May so if you haven ’ t done so , please get this done before the penalties get to high .
Please support the Stallion Auction that the AQHA Youth are running , there are several stallions to choose from across both disciplines of the breed and all the funds go direct to projects that the youth will be running over the next 12 months .
The Youth World Cup is on the drawing board to be held be held in the USA in 2026 and we are waiting on further details to confirm this and details re camps etc will be forthcoming as we are advised .
The last board meeting was our budget meeting and the portfolio holders put forward their requests for funding programs within their portfolio for 2024 / 25 and the board has approved these requests to further promote the AQHA within these disciplines . The commitment that the AQHA is making shows the investment into our industry for our members to benefit from .
The board has also approved extra funding towards prizemoney for the 2025 Nationals and Kyle Mobberley has again been elected National Show Convenor .
Over time , people with studs have registered horses with their stud name or initials without having a prefix registered with AQHA , by doing so , when they have applied for a prefix , they have not been able to do so because of the rules . The Stud Book has been granted an amnesty to enable people wanting to register a prefix after using a name or initials for there own horses so that they can do this , I hope breeders will take advantage of this and details will be shared on our media sites as well as the website .
We were looking for another date for the 2024 National Campdraft to be held but the only date we could get at AELEC was going to clash with several other drafts in the area so this will not be held until the 2025 Nationals .
Our next board meeting will be held in August in Melbourne which will be followed by the October meeting with the AGM and dinner to be held in Brisbane this year . Board members up for election this year will be Kim Johnson , Kane Skopp , Peter Bellden and Liz Keating .
Until my next report , happy showing and stay safe .
With thanks Ricky Glen