Aptavani-9 Aptavani-9 | Page 32

terrible enmity through greed of sexual pleasure. The one who is intensely greedy for sexual pleasure, will even use intimidation as a final resort in order to enjoy sexual pleasure. The intense insatiable greed for sexual pleasure will make one helpless. So the wife will make him dance like a monkey. And later, will there not be revenge against each other? A lalachu person will not only have lalacha for sexual pleasures but he will also have lalacha for eating, drinking and traveling; he is lalachu in all things. It is an inner spiritual endeavor (purusharth) to change thoughts for intense insatiable greed when they occur. Then, one is not responsible and if those thoughts are not changed. A lalachu person, due to being stricken with the intense insatiable greed, will take all kinds of risks. A lalachu wants everything. In the same way as a disease attracts the remedy, all objects of intense insatiable greed are attracted to the intensely greedy one. Only those businesses that are in one’s prakruti (innate nature) can be performed. Out of intense insatiable greed one gets into imaginary businesses and consequently gets into trouble. Why should there be intense insatiable greed (lalacha) for temporary things? When a decision ‘I don’t want any temporary thing in this world’ is made, lalacha will go away. Lalacha is an inborn thing. At the time of death, the seed of lalacha will carry forward with one and it will grow in the next life. If intense insatiable greed (lalacha) is opposed by the ego, it will go away. But then later, that ego must be washed away too. Any ailment can be removed in the presence of a 31