apparent doer who is simply instrumental in the process ), an intense mental note is made about it . But if no note is made about the nimit , such inner spiritual effort ( purusharth ) will lead one to liberation .
There is always engrossment with the relative self when a note ( nondha ) is made . Thereafter it will go under the authority of the relative self . The Self ’ s realm and energy will be blocked .
When note is taken , the mind becomes poisonous towards that person . The one who has stopped taking notes is considered to have turned to the state of becoming a vitarag .
3 . Commonsense : Welding
These days commonsense has been sidelined , proclaims the Gnani Purush .
“ Commonsense means it is everywhere applicable , theoretical as well as practical .” This definition of commonsense is quite original and wonderful .
The one with commonsense will open all the locks , no matter how rusty they are . He does not clash with anyone ; he avoids clashes by using his commonsense at home , outside , in the workplace and everywhere else . He does not allow separation due to difference of opinions , with his wife at home .
No matter how intelligent a person may be but if there is no practicality in him i . e . if there is no commonsense , there will be clashes .
As one ’ s ego goes down , his ‘ dealing ’ will become proportionately beautiful with everyone .
Commonsense develops by talking about various things with everyone in an affable way . Commonsense is lessened by scorn for the worldly life . The one with commonsense is in tune with everyone .