Aptavani-8 Aptavani-8 | Page 55

2 Aptavani-8 Dadashri: And what you see, is it element (vastu) or non-element (avastu)? Questioner: The Atma is not visible, so it is non-matter (avastu); but matter or element (vastu) is visible, is it not? Dadashri: No. Let me explain vastu and avastu to you. Anything that is eternal (avinashi) is called a real element (vastu), and anything that is destructible and transient (vinashi) is called a non-element (avastu). The Atma is in the form of Atma. The Atma in the form of a real element (vastu) is the abode of infinite properties (guna)! Each real element (vastu) has its own matter (dravya), property (guna), and phases (paryaya). Anything that has matter-property-phase (dravya-guna-paryaya) is considered an eternal element (vastu). Vastu can be called eternal. Even Atma itself is an eternal element (vastu): it has its own matter (dravya), its own properties (guna) and its own phases (paryaya). And those phases come with origin (utpaad), a steady state (dhruva) and an end (vyaya). And all that is visible to the eyes is not an eternal element (avastu), and is destructible (vinashi). And the Atma (the Self) is eternal (avinashi); an eternal element (vastu). There are six such elements (tattva), and the world is made up of these six elements. These six eternal elements are constantly interacting with one another and undergoing changes that give rise to circumstances and states of things (avastha). It is through these circumstances that we see this world. Only the circumstances are visible in this world. Know the Atma from the Gnani So if there is anything worth knowing in this world, then it is the Atma – the Self. And there may be only one or two people in this world who know the Atma. So no one can know the Atma. People can know everything, but they cannot know the Atma! And he who knows the Atma; will not take long to attain Keval Gnan (Absolute Knowledge).