Aptavani-8 Aptavani-8 | Page 44

path and makes you fully achieve the path to final liberation (moksha). That is to say, that it is a complete full stop path, and not a comma. Akram Vignan says that if the worldly life (sansar) were an obstacle towards final liberation, it would not allow anyone to go to the final liberation! Because of Akram Vignan, today the final liberation can be very easily attained. For that, you must present yourself to the Akram Gnani, with the highest humility (param vinaya), the inner intent of ‘I do not know anything’; and the deep desire (bhavna) of ‘How do I attain this?’ This itself, will make it attainable. No other forms of eligibility are taken into consideration in this age, and besides, there is no such eligibility anyway! The fact that you have reached the Akram Gnani itself proves your eligibility. Gnani Purush, the most revered Dadashri has not been able to keep his bhavna (deep inner intent) a secret. So with words filled with compassion, he expresses this desire: My idea is that the message of this vignan (science), reaches every corner of the world, and that peace should prevail everywhere. My inner intent (bhavna), my wish or desire, call it what you may; is just this! - Dr. Niruben Amin 43