If you want to experience the Atma on your own, then if
someone picks your pocket or shouts obscenities at you, or
even beats you, you should say to yourself, ‘This is the result of
my own karma, the other person is just instrumental (a nimit),
he is freeing me from my karma’. By doing this, you will perceive
him as nirdosh (innocent), and moreover, it will allow you to
bless him. And if it stays this way all the time, you will attain
Self-realization for sure. But people are spineless when it comes
to looking at things this way; therefore, if just once, one goes to
the Gnani to awaken the Atma, the Atma, even in dreams, can
never be forgotten.
How does the salvation of the Atma happen? The salvation
of the original Atma has already happened. It is just the relative
self that needs salvation. How is that done? When the
understanding sets in that, ‘My real nature (swaroop) is Absolute
Knowledge (Keval Gnan), Absolute Vision (Keval Darshan),
and Absolute Conduct (Keval Charitra)’, even then it will occur.
And who but the Gnani Purush can fit (provide) us with this?
The Atma is the subtlest (sookshmatam), and the regions
(pradesho) around it, is subtler (sookshmatar). But because
speech is not subtler, it cannot describe the region; it halts.
There, only experience can resolve this.
How can you find the real Atma, when you are looking
for it through the vision of the perceived atma? How can you
see what lies beyond the senses, when you see through the eyes
of the senses themselves? You need a Gnani Purush, in the
middle, who can change your vision so that you can see! The
senses themselves will not turn inwards; you cannot fence them
in! The Gnani will put you in the same state that he himself has
attained. Once you meet the Gnani, it is worth asking him for
moksha (liberation).
The spiritual science of Akram Vignan that has manifested
through the revered Dadashri; steers you away from the illusory