feel disconnected (aloof) due to difference of opinion with us, it
is only because of our own mistake. There, the Gnani, through
his art of intellect and Gnan art, will quell the disconnection due
to difference of opinions even before it happens.
After one attains the awareness of the Self, the duality of
‘favorable/adverse’ will cease to exist. As long as there is the
dwelling in the temporary state and in the relative-self, there will
be ‘favorable/adverse,’ which is totally the worldly life. As long
as ‘sweet’ is felt as ‘sweet,’ ‘bitter’ will be felt as ‘bitter.’ If one
does not experience ‘sweet’ as sweet, there is nothing to be
suffered in the ‘bitter.’ If the ‘knower’ state prevails in ‘sweet,’
the knower state will naturally be there in the ‘bitter’ also.
Instead, what happens is that due to the old habit of enjoying the
‘sweet,’ the bitter comes around to hurt.
The inner weaknesses of passion, anger, pride, illusion,
greed, etc. (kashays) that are created in favorable circumstances
are easy and sweet. They are the passions of attachment and
they contain greed and deceit and their bondage cannot be
broken. These passions will drown one in the comfort of
pleasures and will cause one to miss out the path to liberation
for a period of infinite lifetimes.
People can’t help but give out a feast of applause to the
person who does charity and gives donations. If that person is
hungry for recognition and self-validation (maan), he will even
pick from mud, pieces of applause that people throw in and feed
on them. Gnanis never ‘accept’ even a feast of thirty-two
varieties offered to them, so where is the danger of any
‘sickness’ setting in?
Whatever work you do, the work itself has no real value.
But if there is attachment-abhorrence while doing it, it will create
another life for you after this life, and if there is no attachment-
abhorrence, there is no liability for another life.
There will be freedom when one does not see a single