because of the presence of the Self, and as soon as the ego
becomes involved in it, the vibrations are ‘typed’ up. When prior
intents come into effect to give their results, the ‘taped’ speech, as
a consequence, instantly comes out as speech. The speech that
subsequently issues forth is the exact ‘discharge’ of prior intents.
When the slightest right or wrong is spoken about anyone,
it gets ‘recorded’. The human mind and body, nonetheless, are
themselves also ‘taping’. Even when a negative word is said about
someone who is asleep, that too gets caught up (recorded)! Here,
it is Nature’s machinery! When ill words are spoken, in darkness
or while alone, the person responsible for the utterance will find
himself in a circumstance where he himself will have to listen to
venomous words. As soon as we experience such vibrations
within us, we should dispel them with pratikraman.
Not only what we speak is a ‘taped record’, but what
another person speaks, is also a ‘taped record’. When one
understands this, no one will be afflicted by anyone’s words.
“Gross circumstances, subtle circumstances and the
circumstances of speech are of the non-Self (par), and are
under the influence of the non-Self (paradhin).”
~ Gnani Purush Dadashri
What is the limitation of speech? In spite of having the
understanding of the absolute Vision, one cannot clear more than
one ‘viewpoint’ “at a time”; whereas, the Vision can encompass
all the degrees “at a time”!
To attain the knowledge of all the secrets of the universe;
to learn the subtlest knowledge, there is no other option, but to
go to the ‘Atma Gnani Purush.’ For this reason, the scriptural
scribes have referred to the ‘Gnani Purush’, as the embodiment
of the absolute Self (dehadhari Parmatma). One attains the
Self, through his encounter!
- Dr. Niruben Amin